March 8 marks the 101st international women’s day! Bear with me guys, you may be weary about hearing about women`s rights, but when you’ve been the low ” man ” on the totem pole of life for so long you never forget. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world women are still denied equality in education, careers, income and medical care, but in my homeland, we have come a long, long way. So thanks guys for your support. This is not a rant about men, but rather a chest bump for women.
From childhood to motherhood to middle age from the Midwest to the East Coast to Europe, throughout physical relocations and emotional upheavals, each stage of my life has been shaped by women, who helped me make the transition.
I am especially grateful to the grandmothers I admired; even moreso to the mother who gave me life, then offered me to the world. To my sisters who taught me to give and take, forgive and forget, talk and listen, twist and shout !
To my college basketball coach, who dared me to become all that I could be.
I am thankful for female friendships spanning different generations, time zones and continents. From childhood, high school and college pals, part of the past that shaped me and connect me to my roots, to my French hosts and German teammates, who adopted me into their homes and hearts when I first moved abroad. To my international friends from Africa, Australia, Scandinavia –England, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland and Other Lands I could never place on a map, who shared their stories and an understanding of their culture. .
To my noisy friends, quiet friends, old friends,new friends, black, white, brown friends. To my tall friends, short friends, big friends, small friends, to my athletic friends, to my intellectual friends to my coaching friends, my teaching friends, my writing friends. To my blogging buddies, to my cyber pals. To my girlfriends here, there and everywhere.No matter where I settled, women of all sizes, shapes, and colors have befriended me. They helped me feel a sense of belonging not only to the farm community of Sterling, to the Illinois State college town of Normal-Bloomington, to romantic Paris, to Middle Ages Marburg, to international Geneva, but to something greater.
Merci mille fois to the women who shaped me, so that one day, I could become a role model to my nieces and the young girls I have taught and coached.
Special thanks to my daughter, my link to the future, who achieved her goal of becoming a doctor, a dream made possible in part, because of the courageous steps women took in the past to help pave the way.
So on International Women’s Day 2012, I raise my glass to the ladies ‘round the globe in my ya ya sisterhood!
Ahhh Sis! you did it again…brought tears to my eyes! And a great big toast right back at you! Your writings brought up so many thoughts and memories of women in history and my life that have shaped me and opened doors for opportunities to the “sisters”! We have come a long way Baby! Te amo sista!
Love reading your articles Pat.
Thanks Cyndi…hope that they sometimes trigger happy memories of our hoopster days at ISU!
It’s my off day so just got around to reading your beautiful tribute to women! Love it. Keep inspiring us around the globe:)
Best to one of the best!
So glad to have you as part of my Ya Ya’s from the homeland!
Well, Pat, you did it again- struck right at the heart with your story! What a beautiful tribute to all women as well as to the women in your life. You definitely have a way with words. You remind us all of the power of sisterhood. Thank you, as always, for enlightening and inspiring! 🙂
Thanks Kath for your endless support as we grapple with the challenges of recording our stories!
Hi Pat,
I don’t know quite where to turn to express my sorrow and sincere condolences to the families of the children killed in that horrible bus crash. You’re in Switzerland and that’s why I thought of you. What a terrible, terrible loss to end what should be a joyful occasion.
Sincerely, Lee Isbell
Oh Lee Isbell,
Thank you for writing and expressing your concern. It was the worst traffic disaster ever in Switzerland and has been devastating for families in Belgium. Ski week vacation is like a rights of passage for school children across Europe and such a tragedy ending so many lives cut short too early pierces the hearts of parents everywhere.
Right on, sister! Write on, sister!
Thanks for following Sheila!