Chippendales For Breakfast ? Heard of the Full Monty ?

Chippendales For Breakfast ? Heard About the Full Monty ? A few months ago in a British pub, a handsome waiter approached my table and asked, “What do ya fancy, love? How about the Full Monty?”

I nearly fell off my chair. Images of muscular, male strippers danced before my eyes reminding me of the 1997 British comedy, The Full Monty.

Chippendales for breakfast?

Here? In a 16th century pub in tucked in the tiny village of Houghton Conquest in the Bedfordshire countryside?Chippendales For Breakfast ? Heard About the Full Monty ?

I never knew that The Full Monty, a British slang term similar to our American phrase for the whole kit and caboodle, describes a full English breakfast, which means filled with the works.

The English are known for their tasty, copious breakfasts. The Full Monty can be made up of over 30 different foods with meat such as fried sausages also known as bangers and bacon cured from pig loin as staples. Add baked beans, 2 or 3 eggs (usually sunny side up) fried bread and fried mushrooms. The acidity in fried tomatoes, also a must, will help cut the grease.

Apparently for this meal, also called a Fry Up, they sauté everything but the kitchen sink. Their popular bubble and squeak consists of Sunday roast and vegetable leftovers mixed with potatoes forming a cake, and then fried in butter until it sizzles and pops. This concoction may be served in homes on Mondays, but usually full breakfasts are saved for brunch on weekends or to cater to tourists in hotels.

Chippendales For Breakfast ? Heard About the Full Monty ?When our waiter brought our plates to the table, I struggled to distinguish a few ingredients, like black pudding – crispy slices of sausage made of oatmeal pork fat and blood – and kippers, flakes of smoked herring. But I didn’t need a medical degree to identify body parts such as the kidneys  rolled in flour and fried in butter.

Potatoes – hash, chips, mashed or fried – remain the mainstay of the Full English breakfast. Coffee or tea usually accompanies the meal, although some hearty mates may prefer to wash it down with a pint. Other diners like to add a dash of ketchup, vinegary brown HP sauce, or Worcestershire sauce to the mix.

So go on, head to the pub for your favorite brew on Saturday night, but you may also want to return on Sunday morning to enjoy the Full Monty. Oh là là les anglais.

Posted in food, humor, travel.


  1. Ah yes, we Brits do enjoy a hearty breakfast. You did well to have ‘the works’, as I can’t stomach it. But when I stay in hotels in the UK I do always treat myself to some bangers, eggs and potato waffles to feel ‘at home’ again. I then don’t usually eat again until about 4pm as all that protein fills me up big time! ???? Lovely article Pat, you really captured the British brekkie traditions xxx

    • Oh no, Rach, no way could I handle the the Full Monty Breakfast. It would take me a week to eat that much. ha That was what Gerald ordered. I enjoyed a lovely meal of poached eggs with avocado on toast. Question for you – where does the custom of adding ie to so words come from such as brekkie and prezzie and so on?

      • Haha, I did wonder about that BIG breakfast and whether you were brave enough to try it. I prefer your smaller choice that’s for sure ????. Brekkie, ciggie (cigarette), pressie, they’re all just lazy British ways of shortening words. The Aussies (another abbreviation lol) use the same, and more besides! My fave one is ‘arvo’ for afternoon. I use it all the time now, but with a British accent, which amuses the locals ???????? xx

  2. I’m not entirely sure my stomach would accept that much food in the morning! Those of us used to a simple bowl of cereal and some fruit might find we couldn’t eat for the rest of the day if we ate all our calories upon waking. Interesting post, Pat.

  3. Haha, too funny! The Full Monty was a very entertaining movie and I saw the Broadway version, too. It makes me smile just to think about it now.

  4. Terrific post! My son and DIL live in London and while we turn up our noses at touristy high teas, we LOVE the full Monty (minus the black pudding). The pubs in Ireland and Scotland have their own variations and it is such fun to explore the little byways on the outskirts of England. We try to stay away from chain hotels and tuck into bed and breakfasts where the breakfasts are typically local and make to order. No need to eat lunch after that brekkie and then no interuption to the rest of your travel day, either!

    • Now my curiosity has been quipped and I want to travel to Scotland, Ireland and Wales to try the breakfast there too. How long has your son and daughter in law been living in London?

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