Life is not for the Fainthearted -Everyone is Gutsy

A bit unusual for me to be posting this early in the week, but I wanted to send
special thoughts to family and friends on the East coast of America in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
No matter where you are, here’s a little distraction to keep the anxiety level down and  boredom at bay.
A sneak peek at my upcoming book ?
You can find it at this address:

My Gutsy Story

Please hop on over to  Sonia Marsh’s Gutsy Living blog today to see my “My Gutsy Living ” story~ From Cornfields to City of Lights I guarantee you will enjoy it.

Every Monday, Sonia features a short story on “Gutsy Living” about something Gutsy you have done in your life that either: changed you, changed the way you think about something or made your life take a different direction.
Hope you’ll stop by and leave a comment. We all have a “Gutsy Living” story. What’s yours? Sonia would love to hear from you on her Gutsy Living website.
Posted in family, inspiration, relationships, social view, sport.

One Comment

  1. Morning Pat! Yes, we must keep the folks in New York-areas- all in our prayers. President has declared a major diaster for New York and LongIsland…

    Congrats on your “gutsy” post. Yo have my vote:)


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