Summer Memories Last A Lifetime

It is that bittersweet time of year when school starts and we must bid a fond farewell to summer. 2013 will be marked as one of the finest even though I am exhausted from the whirlwind of festivities.

  • Book tour in my hometown where I saw old neighbors, teachers, friends who touched my life at each stage of my childhood.
  • The wedding of my best friend’s daughter, a cosmopolitan girl that I taught, coached and mentored, the beautiful, marathon running, Community Wellness Director who married a charming dairy farmer in Winona Minnesota.
  • Special guest of the McKinzie family in Shaker Heights – my brother provided fascinating tours of Cleveland as he chauffeured me to my Senior National Games speaking engagements.
  • Connecting with basketball playing and promoting aficionados across the continents – NSWBA, NOVA United, NSAA – and the chance to be a part of the Senior National Games even though I am no longer physically able to compete.
  • The craziness of running a B & B on Summit Lake that caters to special diets, erratic schedules and the idiosyncrasies of 5 families, 3 generations and their various friends.
  • Endless hours swapping stories around a campfire, floating on the raft, sharing meals, laughing at Kizzie’s antics, reconnecting with loved ones and creating lifelong memories.
  • Swimming to the island with my 22 year-old-son and his college mates. Woo hoo, I can still keep up with the kids!
  • Commemorating passages, the loss of a dear family friend, a carpenter extraordinaire, who bought my grandparents ol’ boys camp preserving its history with every log.
  • Enduring ze Frenchman’s middle age crisis – the purchase of a new (used) boat, so he can ski with the kids. You go, G-Man.
  • Sixtieth wedding celebration of Jim and Lenore, a remarkable couple who I am blessed to have as parents.
  • The 50th anniversary of Little Camp Ney-A-Ti, our family cabin, a magical playground in the Northwoods where we put aside our problems to share the beauty of nature, the bond of family and the blessing of friendships.

As I look back on an extraordinary summer, I want to shout out my gratitude to family, friends, and folks who went out of their way to make my stay in the States so special.

The best part about living between worlds is that even though my heart is filled with sadness as I say farewell to folks back home, I can hear the mountains calling, see my students smiling, and feel my international community’s warm embrace. Welcome back to Switzerland, Missy Ex-Pat.

Posted in education, health, inspiration, relationships, social view, sport.


  1. We were soooo pleased you and your family made the trip to Winona for the wedding. It was WONDERFUL to be with you all again. And I was pleased you could meet the women I compete against at the Senior Games. Now you can believe me when I tell you how tough those women from Maine are! And you got to see #44 in action and why I ended up with a laceration and black eye. Can she ever set a pick!

    • Of course I believed you, you were never one to embellish a story. ha Yes, Princess’s wedding was befitting of royalty with the down home fun of country! Priceless memories shared with your beautiful family.

  2. Ah…..the sweet, sweet memories of summer. Loved the recap and the photos! Thanks for spending your summer with all of us and helping to create special new memories, but no wonder you are tired!!! Love you, Sis.

  3. Pat, you’re fortunate to have so much free time over the summer to get back to the States to visit and reconnect with family and friends! It sounds as if you had a wonderful time, enjoying every single minute of your stay. Best wishes for a lovely school term. Each season, you know, has its own special blessings — reading your account reminded me just how busy my summer has been, ha!

  4. And you handle both worlds so gallantly, Pat! Your time with family are precious and so fun:) Thanks for sharing with us. You are true blue- as in the review you wrote for me (saw it today) sorry to digress, but, your support is appreciated!


  5. This was a great piece. It was fun to read about your Summer adventures. I loved seeing all the pictures of the family. They all look great! Love you guys!

  6. This was a great piece. It was fun to read about your Summer adventures. I loved seeing all the pictures of the family. They all look great! Love you guys!

  7. It sounds so wonderful Pat. Summer in our old stomping grounds is so fab and it sounds like you used up every fabulous minute. Did you drink a Leinenkugels?

  8. It sounds so wonderful Pat. Summer in our old stomping grounds is so fab and it sounds like you used up every fabulous minute. Did you drink a Leinenkugels?

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