After a arduous, cold, grey winter spring finally arrived in the mountains,
but it took its own sweet time getting here!
During our favorite mountain hike, the local farmer passed us on the dirt lane; he stopped and opened the back gate of his livestock truck. Then we watched spellbound, as a herd of cows raced across the verdant field in a moment of serendipity.
Have you ever seen cows run?
The herd acted as if they’d arrived at summer camp. The calves romped with joy like children let out of school for the holidays.
Rich grass, clean air, wide open spaces!
The desalpes, the famous folkloric parade of cows coming down the mountain in autumn is a well known Swiss celebration; however, few people witness the inalpes when cows come up to the Jura’s green pastures for the summer season of fine grazing.
As we hiked, we could see across to the far side of lake where the grey veil of winter lifted, revealing the majestic Alps etched against a heartbreaking sapphire sky. The mountains, in different shades of slate, appeared to bow down to Mont Blanc, the queen bejeweled in her sparkling white crown.
Daffodils waltzed in the wind, leaf buds popped open, buttercups shot up, forsythia burst into golden flame and dogwoods danced in their lacy, white petticoats. In valley below us, the lemon yellow rape seed contrasted with green wheat fields. Grape vines like gnarled, old arthritic hands reached toward the light. Pink and white blossoms exploded on the apple and cherry trees.
Under a splash of spring sunshine, blessings unfolded around me. Balancing with sticks, stumbling for footing, knees grinding like bad transmission, I was grateful to still be upright and walking. In my heart, I was dancing.
Hallelujah spring arrived!
Hiking in paradise
Rejoicing in the day.
Is always enough.
Such a contrasting terrain from Central Illinois, Pat! But I’m glad Spring has finally arrived to your corner of the world — thanks for sharing it with us. Enjoy!!
Thanks Debbie. It makes me wonder if there is the differences in behavior of cows depending on where they live?
Loved your descriptions of the mountains, sky, clouds and grass. So glad you are enjoying Hiedi Land!
Thanks. Can’t wait til our real Heidi House is finished and you guys can come over and hike with us.