- I am not going to get sick. No sore throat, flu, sniffles.
- Not going to moan about getting older, even on my birthday.
- Or groan about going to work, when fortunate to have a job.
- Complain about cleaning a house that I am lucky enough to co own. (along with the bank)
- Get organized. Realistically my number one resolution for past decades…ain’t gonna happen.
- Make eggnog (have never made eggnog)
- Write another book…The Frenchman would kill me!
- I am definitely not joining a health club to keep fit since studies show health club joiners drop out within three weeks.
According to experts most resolutions fail within the month. They recommend that for the greatest chance of success make only one resolution and stick to it. Which brings me back to my number one goal, stay healthy, cause if you are in good health you can handle all the rest of the crap life throws at you.
During my break, I flew to Chicago and shopped til I dropped my first day back. On day 2, I woke up with a sore throat that morphed into a sinus infection. But I was not going to let illness interfere with my holiday, so we headed north to the cabin in Wisconsin. Ten days later, my brain still felt like marshmallow, my teeth ached, my nose burned, and my lungs constricted. No way could I get back on a plane for a nine-hour flight with my head full of muck, so I went to Urgent Care.
I was not alone.
Apparently a lot of people were sick for the holidays. My sister went to her in-laws Christmas Eve and everyone at the gathering came down with the stomach flu within 24 hours. The local Target store ran out of saltine crackers and 7Up.
I muddled through the festivities with my throat on fire, my nose full of green gunk and a swollen brain, which technically can’t happen according to my daughter. As soon as I walked into Urgent Care in Antigo, they told me to put on a mask; the flu had reached epidemic proportions.
I was impressed with the efficiency. I was identified, labeled, tagged, tested and released within an hour. The doctor called in my prescription to the druggist of my choice, to be picked up at the nearest Walgreens. There the pharmacist told me the antibiotic would cost $200, so she kindly suggested that the doctor order a less expensive one – $25 for the 14-day prescription.
Good news, I did NOT have the A or B influenza, which a lab test of a nose swab showed within minutes. But for me the bad news was that I did not have influenza, which has a beginning and end. I had a flare up of my autoimmune illness with a viral or bacterial bug thrown in for good measure. So on my 1-year antibiotic free anniversary, I was back to battle again.
Hence, my number one New Year’s Resolution – I am not going to get sick.
My wish for you in 2013! Good health. Santé!
Ugh, Pat, so sorry to hear of your illness over the holidays. I had to chuckle when you said your goal was not to get sick. I said the same thing as so many in my family were ill over the holidays and I chose to stay away from all of them. It was a quiet holiday but worth it. Flu season has hit hard and early this year. Take good care and be well. Health is everything. Loved your list:-)
Kath, don’t know how you managed to dodge the bad bugs this holiday. Maybe the hand washing ritual, so deeply ingrained from your nursing days, helped save you. ha As you well know health is everything…here’s to yours…and a New Year filled with creativity.
Good luck! I’m doing zero resolutions. It’s all I can do to get out the door in the morning with my babysitting gig. Glad you’re recovered!
Yes, getting out the door is monumental, Lynne…here’s to a resolution-less New Year filled with good health, fulfilling writing endeavors and long distance friendship.
Inspite of the “mucca prob” once again, it was great to be with you and Gege! Thank you for the sacrifices you make (including health) to be together! Good luck on your ONE and ONLY NY Resolution! Sounds like a good one to adopt stateside too. On that note, I will head to the fitness center to keep my health going….unlike your stats, I am NOT quitting my membership after 3 weeks but rather going atleast 12 times a month to collect $20 from my insurance comp. In my world, $$$ is a motivator! I love you mucho!
Poor Pat, sorry you caught “the crud” on your holiday trip home. Here’s hoping you’re on the mend and will be up and about real soon! I love your list, especially the one about not making eggnog. I’ve never done that either, and have no intention of starting this year!
I love eggs, but hate all the egg based desserts that are so popular in France like creme brulee. Hope your new year is filled with good health, happiness and music!
Staying healthy is a great resolution. Sante a vous egalement!
Of all the resolutions made this year, Pat, I agree, “Good Health” should be number one on the list! So glad to see you back in the saddle again:)
Happiness New Year!
P.S. I resolve to stop complaining about everything I find myself complaining about:)
Here’s to a New Year filled with endless ideas and thoughtful musings for both of us. And to the courage to keep putting the pen to paper!
In spite of your sinus infection,my stomach flu, and various other colds and
sniffles, we were blessed to all be able to be together for a few days to celebrate the holidays….. and each other. Thanks to you and Ge for making the long trek over to share Christmas with us. Once again our hearts are full with wonderful memories. May 2013 be a HEALTHY, happy one for all of us.
I’ve not made any New Year’s resolutions either, except trying to stay in good shape. I have enough trouble getting through the day doing what I planned to do when I got up.
Sorry you were so sick! I hope you are better now, and I wish you lots of good health and happiness in the rest of the year.
All the best back at you, Karen. Looking forward to following your Miss Footloose’s exploits on Expat Lane!