When Life Knocks You Flat, Kick Back !

“Fall seven times and stand up eight.” I live by the Japanese Proverb. I have hit the deck more than once – undercut on a rebound, flipped off a bike, smashed in a car accident.  I have fought back from broken bones, shattered dreams, dashed hopes. I cried an ocean of tears over lost abilities. I have tried one remedy after another to combat chronic illness.  Pain is my sidekick. Do I ever want to give up?  Yep.  Everyday.

What keeps me going?[cincopa AkNARcKJDACp]

People.  First off, my forefathers, from my grandfather who left the fjords, learned a new language, new trade and made a new life in the Windy City never returning to his beloved Norway. To my Scottish-American paternal grandpa who still coached college football in his 90s. To my dad, who within the span of four months endured 3 surgeries, 2 heart interventions and one hip reconstruction, without losing his sense of humor, concern for others, or fighting spirit. And especially to my mom who unwraps each day as a precious gift.

To my friends from third grade, to highschool, to college and beyond, scattered across continents and countries, including cyberspace buddies – readers, writers, bloggers – some who I’ve never met, but whose words keep me chuckling and chugging forward.

To my family, from my old sibs who understand my past to young nieces, nephews, son and daughter who connect me to the future by teaching me to text message, Twitter and Facebook.

To my hubby who has endured thirty some years of my lolly gagging, bellyaching, foot stomping, tongue lashing, story telling.

To the teammates and athletes I played beside or coached during four decades court-side. To my students, who zap energy but bring laughs with their antics. “But Mrs. M, I didn’t copy a word. I used Wikipedia.”

If you look behind my dark glasses, other than tired eyes and worry lines, you would never know what my body has endured. After three years on antibiotics living in darkness, doctors insist that I stop the meds and see if the treatment works.  I feel worse than when I started. Reeling from the cost in time, money and energy, I am filled with discouragement. It’s definitely another knock down day.  I want to pull the comforter over my head and check out of January.  Cold days. Long nights. Holidays over and done. No hope to run, no sign of sun. No fun.  Bottom line.  I am still here kicking, with the ol’ ticker ticking.[cincopa AoIADfqVDEzo]

Every time I am knocked to my knees AGAIN. I pray for Strength.  Courage.  Faith.  Hope.   Then I whisper worries to the wind and shout thanks to skies. I know without doubt,

“My peeps, got my back!”

Bring it on, LIFE!

Fall down nine, stand up ten!

Want to listen to the song ? Click on the following link: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Posted in inspiration.


  1. Way to go … ! I will email you our Mexico photo journal. Maybe the vicarious sun will cheer you up. Cold here, but as I said, I feel great! … except for chronic fatigue and consistent bruising … nothing I can’t live with. Love you ..
    ps —look for the pix from dwdurham …

  2. Pat, this is something we all need to see as we go through the down times in our lives. People are what has brought me through so many of them. Thanks so much for sharing it.

  3. You are an amazing individual. Make sure you reread your
    words because you have accomplished so many things. Can
    I just say how much it helps me to see how strong you are.
    It makes me want to be a better person and stop complaining about the lil things. Keep reading, keep writing and for goodness sakes keep trying whatever it
    takes to get healthy. Love u

  4. Take a look at your pictures that are the backdrop of your posts. Would the beauty be so breathtaking without the recognition of the harsh rugged crags beneath the snow? I am sorry, dear friend, that you are feeling beat down again. When do we say,”L’oncle?” Hopefully, never, because there are others that rely on your spark, your wisdom and endurance and your witty turn of a phrase.With every post you reach out to others and dust our crags with sugar snow delight.

    Thank you, and nevergiveup! love, Amy

    • Truly you see the world in the eyes of the artist you are. What a beautiful word picture you have drawn to give me strength!

  5. Sista…….darn if you didn’t just make me cry again!
    I feel your pain, but I also got your back! Thats what loyal family and friends do for one another! As Mom says, “It is the bad days that make the good days SO good!” Only count your good days Te amo!

  6. Damn,that must be mentally so hard to have to live in darkness! At least for me it would be, I know. I really hope this treatment is going to work now!

  7. Pat, I hope you realize what an inspiration you are to others. Your fighting courage, patient endurance, and hope that tomorrow will bring a better day is such a shining example to those of us who whimper at the least little inconvenience. You have certainly inherited the joie de vivre and concern for others your parents and grandparents have demonstrated throughout the ages. You also are giving your own children this same rich legacy.
    Keep on kickin’ buddy. A cure for you remains in my prayers.

  8. having known you most of our lives I was lucky enough to learn your strenghts early in life. But the strength you have shown with all your health problems over the years makes me love and admire you more than you know.

  9. I feel you Pat! I love this post & so glad I found you/r site. That’s a great proverb I’d never heard. Mind if I use it sometime on one of my many ‘down’ days?:) Here’s to you Pattymack, May you keep on, keeping on!

    Peace & blessing,

    • Thanks Clara. Hope the proverb brings you strength when life knocks you to your knees. Keep writing! Your words, too, give me courage.

  10. I truly wish I could be there to give you a hug. Will a cyber-hug work? I hope all these replies with words of encouragement hold you up and help to subdue your pain. You mean a lot to a lot! And please give my best wishes for a quick recovery to your dad as well. Yockway!

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